Download the How To Get A Better First Touch Course

The crowd is screaming as you're running down the field. Your teammate sends you the perfect pass, and the ball slams into your foot. Hard. So hard it flies ten feet away. You sprint towards it, but the defender beats you to the ball. Your hopes of a goal are gone. STOP WASTING YOUR OPPORTUNITIES! Download our free first-touch course today and get the touch of a pro.

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    Step By Step

    Why does everyone keep telling you "it's so easy"? Has it always been easy for them? Or did they forget that they started from the basics too? That's why I offer a step by step explanation so you can play with confidence fast.


    Having a great first touch is necessary for every player of every skill level. That's why I've created a simple, yet effective, roadmap for any player to utilize.

    Free Course

    I want every player to reach their highest potential. By sharing my trainings, I hope to give every player the opportunity to reach their elite. Will you be one?